Friday, July 25, 2008

June through July 20th

In June we got the terrible news that Gus, our Service/Therapy dog, has severe hip dysplasia - bad hips. We looked at several procedures and Gus' condition did not allow for any of them to be done. We want to thank Amigo Animal Clinic and Adobe Vet for their un-ending support and advice regarding how best to treat Gus.

In June it was decided to put Gus down, however friends and famly just won't allow that - which was wise on their part as just last week we found out Gus is a candidate for total hip replacement.

We (along with Amigo Animal Clinic) looked at CSU, Purdue Univ, Alameda East, and finally chose Canine Orthopedics Vet Specialities in Colorado Springs.

Gus and Lloyd are headed out for a last camping trip this weekend to let Gus play in water before his surgery. Then we are headed out to Colorado Springs Tues evening as his appt is scheduled first thing Wed morning. To save money, Lloyd's mom is letting us use her motorhome to stay in during the 3 days in the Springs. Will be much more comfortable than a motel!!

We'll let you know how the camping trip goes and post pictures of the upcoming events.

Thank you for all your support!! Lloyd, Anne (and the kids) and of course Gus himself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a heartfelt story. Gus sounds like a very special dog with alot of great work to do for the humans in his life. I wish you all the best and great new hips for Gus. Is there a fund set up for his medical costs? I know that kind of surgery is very expensive and I would like to help if I can.
