Friday, August 8, 2008

One week after coming home

Well, it has been one week since Gus got back home. He is doing great!! It is amazing how fast he is recovering from his surgery. I would say that dogs recover much faster than us humans from surgery.

Gus has been to work with me everyday this week. Patients and employees were very happy to see him back at work. It just amazes me how many people have asked about how he is doing. He certainly has touched the lives of many people.

I was contacted by Channel 11 and the Daily Sentinel this week. Both are going to be interviewing Gus and I this coming Monday. Be sure to watch for their news stories about Gus next week.

He gets his staples out on Monday at Amigo Vet clinic. We have scheduled his next surgery for September 10th.

Thanks to each of you who have contributed to Gus' surgery fund. You have no idea how much you are appreciated.


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