Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Surgery Consult

Gus met with Dr. Reick this morning and is now at the clinic awaiting surgery!!! What a great guy this vet is. Very compassionate and clinically seems excellent. Was able to answer all my questions completely. He says that Gus will go "home" this evening and the he (Dr. Reick) lives very close to where we are. If Gus has any problems, he will simply come over to our motorhome to see him.

He is replacing the L hip today and then in 6 wks we'll come back for the R hip. Quite the recovery/rehab phase, but we will make it. Dr. Reick says we'll have a new puppy when he is all through with this!! Can't wait for Gus to be pain free and able to do all he wants.

I'll post this evening just to keep everyone up to date.

Thanks for your prayers and support! Lloyd

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