Saturday, August 16, 2008

Gus on TV

Found out that Gus is going to be on Channel 11 tomorrow, Sunday 8/17/08. Initially they thought that the story would air on Tues, but it was changed to Sunday. Sorry if this caused any confusion.

Gus had a great time with Sarah home this past week and Becca is trying to convince him to be her therapy dog since she had all four wisdom teeth out on Thurs. That is not going so well. I guess Becca has to be in a hospital for him to "take care of her" :)

Gus continues to heal wonderfully and starting to get his coat back. He wants to play and play HARD. But, right now, he is confined to playing with a leash on and playing with his toys inside the house.

I want to thank you for the donations that many of our friends and family have dontated to Gus' cause. You have no idea how much it is appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We can hardly wait to see Gus playing hard after his 2nd hip replacement.